Freedom with Guard Rails: Enabling PLM Processes Step by Step

IpX President Joseph Anderson and Upchain VP Partner Enablement James White

Freedom with guard rails sounds like a dichotomy. How can one be free yet bounded by guard rails? Moreover, PLM is all about control of people, processes, systems and organizational structure. That’s not freedom.

In this webinar James White, VP Partner Enablement at Upchain and Joseph Anderson, President at IpX will confront the dark reality of traditional PLM implementations; that the original vision is rarely realized due to time, complexity, and cost reasons, resulting in gaps, rework loops, and manual touch due to discontinuous systems and tools.
James White and Joseph Anderson will outline how Upchain software rapidly enables CM2 processes which are defined by IpX, to create a series of well organized quick wins, one workgroup at a time. IpX lay the ground work with CM2 services (the guard rails) and Upchain software enables those processes to provide a flexible powerful product development platform.