• Onsite Duration: 2 days
  • Cybersecurity Compliance Specialist Certificate is awarded upon completion

Course Detail

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Many organizations have experienced the negative effects of a security breach of their intellectual property or protected information. The ramifications of these events are significantly exacerbated when the information breach involves personal information about the organization’s employees or their customers, or information deemed critical to national security or national defense. The business cost of these breaches was estimated to be in excess of $45,000,000,000 ($45 billion).

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Using the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171 and 800-53 (NIST SP 800-171 & SP 800-53) as a foundation, this 2-day course focuses on the challenges every organization faces in protecting the security of their released information and their information technology systems. In today’s world of ever-expanding networks and digitized information, these challenges are becoming more complex and more significant every day.

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This course will examine the fundamental changes that must take place within an organization and its processes. We will utilize specific fundamental principles of enterprise configuration management to enable the creation of powerful protocols that are needed to protect an organization’s information assets and business tools. Students successfully completing this course will obtain a strong foundation of these best practices and an understanding of what steps need to be taken next.

Empowering processes for creation, review, modification, release & access

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Cybersecurity and Compliance






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