Cassandra Worthy

Change Enthusiast,

Cassandra is a high caliber, powerfully energetic speaker, engineer, change ENTHUSIAST, and one of the best female motivational speakers in Atlanta. With her B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech, she has spent well over a decade working in Fortune 500 companies including Procter and Gamble and Berkshire Hathaway undergoing some of the biggest shifts ever recorded in the CPG industry. She’s played integral roles in multi-billion dollar acquisitions, leading cultural shifts within both acquiring and acquired organizations. As a champion of change and the world’s leading expert on Change Enthusiasm™, Cassandra has become a leading African American motivational speaker, delivering programs of inspiration not just to current business leaders but to students who are the future STEM game changers as a business motivational speaker. Cassandra teaches Change Enthusiasm™ through sharing her experiences with business leaders and organizations alike going through significant shifts in the workplace, offering her unique perspective and inspiration.